Our Monthly E-Newsletter, the Good News
The Good News about Light for the Darkness from Members

"What is it worth to this man without a fortune...to gain his soul? It's priceless."

Member when asked about the value of ministry
"The community of Light for the Darkness has been a gift to me. I have often struggled to find a place to fit in groups, but Thirza's warmth and humor make it easy for me, and I believe others as well, to feel welcome. Thirza also has a unique gift for bringing together lived experience of mental suffering and the wisdom of scripture. Our group meetings each week remind me of the possibility of healing and the goodness of God."

Member of L4TD Fireside Chat and Connecting With God and Others
"My pastor recommended that I should talk to Pastor Thirza and see if Light 4 the Darkness was a good fit for me. So here is a little of my story. When I meet Thirza and her team I was in a very dark place. I lost my father, was living on my grandma’s land and doing everything she wanted, trying to find who I was, start a life and so much more. Was so battered that all I would do is be an observer and take things in because I didn’t feel like my opinion matter, my voice matter, or that I truly had a purpose in this world. In the last year of attending this Christian Community, counseling and more I have found the true person I am, my place in this life, how to get away from people that are negative for one’s mental health and so much more. This group has forever changed my life! I know that if at any time I am struggling I can come to them with any of my mental defects. The things that I have done in the last year I did not even know was possible! Found the person that God wanted me to be, the voice that I never had, the confidence that was stripped away by many years of abuse, a love for myself where I can love on others, and so much more!
Life can change in a blink of an eye with the right people in your corner, the means and so much more! They will always have a place in my heart and truly never judge no matter what!"

Long-term Member of Connecting with God and Others
"I have found the true person I am...This group has forever changed my life!"
"I feel like I've entered a spiritual Renaissance"
"I first met Thirza Sayers several months ago at a Light for the Darkness Fireside Spirituality Chat. I was so impressed that she opened her home and backyard to both regulars and strangers to discuss the difficulties and the hopes we all have. She was so forthright with her own past mental health struggles and made everyone at ease to discuss any trials we were facing--and a couple of us had very difficult trials indeed. I have since gone back to two or three more of those monthly Fireside Chats and, after that first meeting, I learned about the Light for the Darkness Monday night Zoom sessions Emotions Through the Lens of the Bible. Initially my attendance at these meetings was a bit more sporadic, but I recently set a weekly alarm to remind me about them because it's a great way to start the week. Thirza uses Bible passages, spiritual songs, meditation time, and breakout rooms to encourage everyone who feels comfortable doing so to discuss where we are on our walk with God…and even the times when we don't feel God's love. She is wonderfully accepting of others' points of view and is so clearly there to support us as we live with what she calls "mental health variances." It's a good thing to say "God is there for you," but it's nice to know that God puts people like Thirza in our lives to say, "I'm here for you" because then those two statements really amount to the same thing. I'd felt spiritually stagnant for many years, but since I started attending these wonderful Light for the Darkness events both in person and online, I feel like I've entered a spiritual Renaissance, and I thank God for Thirza and all the folks who attend for helping to make that happen."

Member of Fireside Chat & Connecting with God and Others